At the Academy, each athlete receives the following...
- Over 180 hours of structured, on-ice instruction with our coaches
- Weekly Goaltending sessions
- Weekly Power Skating instruction
- Over 180 hours of off-ice strength and conditioning
- A focus on prehab to prevent injury and prepare for competition
- Access to NOMS Physical Therapy
Typical Day at the academy:
8:30 am | Arrival | |
8:30-10:00 am | AM Academic Time | |
10:00-11:00 am | On-Ice Training | |
11:00-12:00 am | Off-Ice Training | |
12:00-1:00 pm | Lunch Break / Shower | |
1:00-2:30 pm | PM Academic Time | |
2:30 pm- Various | Team Practices / Study Hall / Dismissal | |
Note: The above schedule is subject to change based on the total number of students in the Academy at any given time. There may be days where the total student body is broken into smaller groups for more focused on-ice and off-ice instruction. If a player needs to attend any online classes, it is recommended they do not schedule any between the hours of 10 AM to 12 PM as most training occurs during this time.